Have you ever wanted to measure or test the light intensity of your LED grow ...
Apogee MQ-500 vs Photone – Spider Farmer SF2000 Testing
Now for another episode of “wasting money” to prove a point, I present to you, ...
Apogee MQ-500 AM-310 Light Meter Unboxing & Review
If you watch my how to pick a light video, you know I prioritize results ...
Top 10 MUST HAVE/BEST TOOLS for Cannabis Growers
These are my top 10 favorite must have tools for growing cannabis and weed. I ...
oh ..so do you still recommend the FloraFlex, even though you say it's hot ? ( I get confused easily..thank…
For the stats, it’s overpriced. Their drivers are hotter than others just like this light.
what about the AC Infinity Evo series? I've heard really good things..
Love This Site Makes It Easier to grow
Yes but I would not start until the plant is bigger than the pot (like week 7 veg)