AC Infinity S4/T4 vs. Vivosun Inline Fan Review
Vivosun vs AC Infinity
I would have to say the two most popular brands for home grown weed would have to be AC infinity and Vivosun. They do a good job dominating the marketplace and both companies offer every single thing you need to setup a in house grow. Now, I wanted to clarify that I am not sponsored by neither company and my review and comparison is based on actual use of both fans. We are comparing the 4 inch models for both of these fans so I’m gonna be comparing these two based on my opinion on stats they provided and stats that I observed,
The first major difference between these two is price. Vivosun’s fan could be purchased anywhere between $50-$70
The AC infinity S4 can be purchased for only $89.99. AC infinity is more expensive.
But, is it worth it?? is $90>$60?
Lets look at the CFM or Cubic Feet for Minute. AC infinity claims 205 while vivosun claims 190 CFM. That gives AC infinity an edge on the competition.
Time to use the fans to see how much air is being blown. When testing them both side by side I will be putting the fans on max setting. We used a card sleeve to show how much the air being blown. The air is pushing the sleeve down and showing the angle in which the sleeve bends to give you an idea of the force.
Based on this visual air is clearly blown out faster on the AC infinity. The stats don’t like
Next, the noise. If you compare both of them, despite having a higher CFM, the AC infinity is still less noisy.
Energy Worries?
Last, is energy consumption. Which at the end of the day matters. Energy use is often a cost. Many people neglect their energy use. We do not waste! This is the formula and were using 90 days and 24 hours for simple math and plugging in the wattage which is 28 for AC infinity and 59 for Vivosun. We end up 127.44 kWh for vivosun vs. 60.48 kwH for AC infinity.
In NY, a kilowatt hour costs approximately .11 cents which means, its $14 for vivosun and $6.65 for Ac infinity. Again remember, this is for a 3 month cycle at max output. So, if you’re doing more than one cycle a year, you can multiply the cycles for cost.
Given these factors, I would say I would personally buy AC infinity. It is an overall stronger fan, less noisy, more energy efficient. I am doing two cycles a year, I’m saving about $16.00 in energy which makes up for the difference in price for the two different fans.
Ultimately, my verdict is you get what you pay for. If you are not really going to be growing crops often go for the vivosun. Plan on doing more this more than once? Pay the extra money up front and it will pay for itself in the long run. A question of hobby or decent sized project.
VIVOSUN 4 Inch 190 CFM, AC Infinity CLOUDLINE S4
AC infinity may be more expensive, but the energy efficiency will save you money in the long run for a better quality fan.