How to Calibrate a pH Meter – Vivosun, Bluelab, Dr. meter, Apera, Generic
Today Im gonna teach you how to calibrate almost any pH meter including vivosun, apera, bluelab and most generics.
Vivosun: 1:35
Generics: 1:35
Higher End generics and Dr. Meter: 4:35
Blue lab is same as higher end above:
Apera AI311: 5:45
let me give you some tips that’ll help extend the life of you meters! (and lower the frequency of calibration)
Go buy 4 resealable containers, 3 for the 3 different pH solutions you make and one for distilled water. All of these ph meters use the same sensors and unfortunately, they will need to be calibrated almost every 2 times you use if you don’t follow these tips. Make sure you rinse these meters with tap water after use and then rinse in the distilled water in your container after every use. People often find their plants looking wonky and swear they tested their water, but often, their meter was just off. Now, making the solutions are pretty self explanatory. All you need is 250 ML of water which is approximately 8 ounces. If you have bottled water, that’s even better. Once you fill up the containers, mix in the pH powders and label each of them. Make sure the powders completely dissolved. Now, insert clip.
Now this also works for Bluelab, but instead of doing 6.8, 4 and 9, your just doing 2 solutions at 7 and 4.
Next is the Apera meters and other high end ph meters. If you haven’t used it in a while, soak it in the KCL solution which is potassium chloride which protects and conditions your probe. Just fill the meter cap halfway and put your probe in for about 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, rinse it in distilled water. Then prepare your solutions which are already made and included with your meter by filling the included empty containers halfway. and begin.
Allright so that’s all, if you have any questions, leave a comment, if you enjoyed this, like or subscribe and if you hate it, find another drug.