Is It LEGAL to Grow Weed in WA? Yes with MM Card
Residents of Washington aged 21 years or older must have a medical marijuana card in order to grow. The number of plants allowed range from 4-15 plants per person and is determined by your health care practitioner and the type of card you have.
Recognition card holders may also grow in their home or as a member of a cooperative:
- Six plants for personal medical use, and
- Possess up to eight ounces of usable marijuana produced from their plants.
If the patient’s healthcare practitioner determines the patient requires more than the presumptive amount, they may authorize:
- Up to 15 plants for personal medical use, and
- May possess 16 ounces of usable marijuana produced from their plants.
Note: No more than 15 plants may be grown or located in any one housing unit even if multiple qualifying patients or designated providers reside in the housing unit. The only exception will be for registered cooperatives defined under RCW 69.51A.250.
Qualified patients and designated providers with a valid authorization form who choose not to be entered into the database may:
Purchase only the amounts allowed for non-patients.
Grow in their home:
- Four plants for personal medical use, and
- Possess up to six ounces of usable marijuana produced from their plants.
Note: No more than 15 plants may be grown or located in any one housing unit even if multiple qualifying patients or designated providers reside in the housing unit. The only exception will be for cooperatives.
Non-recognition card holders
Qualified patients and designated providers with a valid authorization form who choose not to be entered into the database may:
- Purchase only the amounts allowed for non-patients, 21 and older as listed above.
- Grow in their home:
- Four plants for personal medical use, and
- Possess up to six ounces of usable marijuana produced from their plants.
Patients and designated providers who aren’t entered into the database are limited to four plants and six ounces of usable marijuana even if a higher number of plants is indicated on their authorization. Patients and designated providers who aren’t entered into the database have only an affirmative defense to criminal prosecution.
Cultivation for either personal use or distribution is a class C felony punishable by up to 5 years imprisonment and/or a fine up to $10,000. An additional mandatory fine of $1,000 applies to first offenses and $2,000 to second or subsequent offenses.
For more information on how to apply for a card, Click Here
Source: Washington State Department of Health Medical Marijuana Possession Limits