Grow With Me – Day 0-3 – Transplanting to Fabric Pots
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Grow With Me – Day -3 – Germination & Rapid Rooters
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Grow With Me – Day -7 – Preparing Fabric Pots
Preparation of you soil and pots is necessary if you want to make sure you ...
How to Germinate Cannabis Seeds Directly in Soil
Germinating cannabis seeds is fairly easy as long as you understand the main principles for ...
The Best Ranges for pH, ppm & EC & How to Measure Runoff
Testing the runoff of your soil is a great way to prevent issues such as ...
UGLY PLANTS? Fix Your Soil – How to Test Soil pH and PPM at Home Without Kit – Slurry 95% Accuracy
Knowing your soil plays a major role in what nutrients you need to add, so ...
How to Test your Soil’s pH – Slurry Test
If I could give any advice with growing in fox form’s happy frog soil, it ...
Okay, thank you.
5 is a lot unless you have a ton of space the most I ever do is 4, which would…
How many times would you recommend topping? I went with 5 last time and it seemed almost like too much.
no, treat it the same. Nothing is going to change really, just make everything symmetric
I figure pruning and trim will be more difficult with 3, but will it require extra newts ? And do…